Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

English Video

A Vision of K-12 Students

The positive things from this video is      : This is about hopes from the students who loves digital world and like to learn from technology.
The negative things from this video is     : But the technology makes them looks lazy and they likes to spend many time with the digital world


1.The Blonde Girl       :” Hey I saw you are my name want to share about miles with you.”
   The Chinese girl       :”Ahh, tsie tsie. Bla bla bla…”
   The Blonde Girl       :” Yeah we make them for you”
                                     “What love learning, came to life.”
                                     “it was good seeing you”
   The Chinese Girl : “bla bla bla ”

2 .The Man                  :”So this is the simulation of secretly of we done from the learning exchange.”
The Glasses Man         :”What if there was more of discovery...”
3.Teacher                     :”I have a great for your drawing posted for the Thursday, so last week we were discussing the organization of public space in Ranezzer’s architecture, I want you use Piazzan’s Marco as an example.”
 “Jeniffer, you have an interesting detail of this square, can you show that to us..?”
“Good example for planation, What if there’s was more time to collaborate.”

4.The black Man         : ”Thank you, if you look for the last twelve years period you’d see the
                                descent of Rome figure looks great, Chairne, could you sent of those rest of
                                the Tie. That’s the progress that something I can see.”

5.The girl                                 :”Hey guys, how was going ?
   The boys                              :”Good, great,etc...
   The girl                                 :”
Good, lets look at this, I think they’ll help the diagnose to stop virus sinus this morning. Yeah, let’s just check the resident. DR.James I think we have the answer of the question that you gave us this morning.”
  DR.James                              :”Oh, great,I just saw all of it. Amazing and also quick.
A man with surgeon clothes   :” What if my learning, made my life.”

6.Stranger girl             :”What if We didn’t have to ask. What if.."

And the main things of this video is we can collaborate many aspects of life by used the technology

Condoleezza Rice and George Bush Parody

Condoleeza Rice call George Bush to report about the new leader in China. And she told Bush, Hu is the name of new leader in China, but Bush hear "who".
Bush think Condoleeza is ridicule him with who is name of new leader in China.
And then, Condoleeza say "Yes sir" but Bush think that is name of leader from Middle East, Yassir.
He confused about Yassir Arafat is in China, but not like that was Condoleeza said.
The conversation make them confused and misunderstanding
Bush ask about Secretary General of the United Nations to talk with him, and Condoleeza said "Koffi Annan?"
Again, Bush mishear about that name. He's think about coffee and get upset till answer it with "Milk!"
At least, Condoleeza say her last name, "Rice" but Bush means that is a food so he want's to get a couple of egg rolls. Condoleeza is getting upset too and hang off the phone to end the stupid conversation with her president.

Profile of Mine

Profile of Mine

Name                                                               : Sufina Wamina Rizki

Place/Date of Birth                                       : Depok, 20 September 1994

My Families                                                    : Ispurhadi Sumarto as my father
                                                                           Mamiek Sudarmi as my mother
  Yuvita Hadi and Willis Winangsih as my old sister
  Risang Selo Relawu and Widyo Wicahyo as my old

Hobbies                                                          : Drawing, Reading Comics, and Play with my pet

My expectation to study Animation         : To catch my dreams, being Comic Artist or

The reasons to choose Polimedia as my     : Because my teacher also the lecturer in
school base                                                         Polimedia, and I like this college since I’m first
        class on Vocational High School.

The English subject I love very much      : Reading, Listening, Speaking

The English Subject I hate very much     : Writing

Assessing Reading

(English for Occupational Purposes)

A.   Types of Reading
English skills have four main skills that students need a lot to increase their ability in English. In the case of reading, variety of performance is derived more from the multiplicity of types of texts than from the variety of overt types of performance. Nevertheless, for considering assessment procedures, several types of reading performance are typically identified, and these will serve as organizers of various assessments tasks.
There are four types of reading:
1.    Perspective
Perspective reading tasks involve attending to the components of larger stretches of discourse: letters, words, punctuation, and other graphic symbols. Bottom-up processing is implied.

2.   Selective
This category is largely an artifact of assessment formats. In order to ascertain one’s reading recognition of lexical, grammatical, or discourse features of language within a very short stretch of language, certain typical tasks are used: picture-cued tasks, matching, true/false, multiple-choice, etc. a combination of bottom-up and up-down processing may be used.

3.    Interactive
Reading is a process negotiating meaning; the reader brings to the texts set of schemata for understanding it, and in take is the product of that interaction. Typical genres that lend themselves to interactive reading are anecdotes, short narratives and description, excerpts from longer texts, questionnaires, memos, announcements, directions, recipes, and the like. The focus of a interactive task is to identify relevant features (lexical, symbolic, grammatical, and discourse) within texts of moderately short length with the objective of retaining the information that is processed. Top-down processing is typical of such task, although some instances of bottom-up performance may be necessary.

4.   Extensive
Extensive reading, as discussed in this book, applies to texts of more than a page, up to and including professional articles, essays, technical reports, short stories, and books. The purposes of assessment usually are to tap into a learner’s global understanding of a text, as opposed to asking test-takers to “zoom in” in small details. Top-down processing is assumed for most extensive tasks.

B.   Designing Assessment Tasks
1.   Designing Assessment Tasks: Perspective Reading
a.    Reading Aloud
The test-taker sees separate letters, words, and/or short sentences and reads them aloud, one by one, in the presence of an administrator. Since the assessment is of reading comprehension, any recognizable oral approximation of the target response is considered correct.

b.    Multiple-choice
Multiple-choice responses are not only matter of choosing one of four or five possible answer. Other formats, some which especially useful at the low levels of reading include same/different, circle the answer, true/false, choose the letter, and matching.
Minimal Pair Distinction
(The test-takers read) Circle “S” for the same or “D” for different.
1.        Bad             Bat              S        D
2.        Too              To                S        D
3.        Seat             Sit               S        D
4.        Plain            Plane           S        D

c.    Picture-cued Items
Test-takers are shown a picture or sentence along with a written and are given one of a number of possible tasks to perform. Reader was shown a picture and the reader will read a question.
Picture-cued true/false sentence identification.
Test-takers read: (for the example picture based on p.192)
1.          The pencil are under the table            T        F
2.          The cat is on the table                        T        F
3.          The picture is over the couch              T        F

2.   Designing Assessment Tasks: Selective Reading

a.    Multiple-choice (for form-focused criteria)
By far the most popular method of testing a reading knowledge of vocabulary and grammar is the multiple-choice format, mainly for reason of practicality: it is easy to administer and van be scored quickly. The most straightforward multiple-choice items may have little context, but might serve as a vocabulary or grammar check.
Multiple-choice vocabulary/grammar tasks
1.        He’s not married. He’s _________
a.      Young
b.      Single
c.      First
d.      A husband
2.        If there’s no doorbell, please _________on the door.
a.      Kneel
b.      Type
c.      Knock
d.      Shout
3.        The mouse is _________the bed.
a.      Under
b.      Around
c.      Between
d.      Among

There are a few types of multiple-choice for form-focused criteria such as contextualized multiple-choice vocabulary/grammar tasks, multiple-choice cloze vocabulary/grammar tasks and so on.

b.     Matching Tasks
At this selective level reading, the test-takers task is simply to respond correctly, which makes matching an appropriate format. The most frequently appearing criterion in matching procedures is vocabulary. Following is a typical format:
b.1. vocabulary matching task

Write in the letter of the definition on the right that matches the word on the left.
_______________ 1. Exhausted                           a. unhappy
_______________ 2. Disappointed              b. understanding of others
_______________ 3. Enthusiastic              c. tired
_______________ 4. Empathetic                          d. excited
And so on.

b.2. Selected response fill-in vocabulary task.

1. At the end of the long race, the runners were totally ________.
2. My parents were_________with my bad performance on the final exam.
3. Everyone in the office was ________about the new salary raises.
4. The__________listening of the counselor made Christina feel well understood.

Choose from among the following:
Disappointed        Exhausted                 enthusiastic       Empathetic.

3.   Designing Assessment Tasks: Interactive Reading

a.    Impromptu Reading Plus Comprehension Question
In this example, we can see in the TOEFL test. There is a short article that reader should read to searching the answer then. The short article has relation with the question below the text.

b.    Short-answer Tasks
      Open-ended reading comprehension question.

1.  What do you think the main idea of this passage is?
2.  What would you infer from the passage about future of air travel?
3.  In line 6 the word sensation is used. From the context, what do you think this word means?
4.  What two ideas did the writer suggest for increasing airline business?
5.  Why do you think the airlines have recently experienced a decline?

4. Designing Assessment Tasks: Extensive Reading

a.    Skimming Tasks
Assessment of skimming strategies is usually straightforward: the test-taker skims a text and answer questions such as the following:
What is the main idea of this text?
What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
What kind of writing is this (newspaper article, manual, novel,
What type of writing is this (expository, technical, narrative, etc.)?
So on.

b.    Summarizing and Responding

    b.1.    Direction for summarizing
Write a summary of the text. Your summary should be about one paragraph in length (100-150) and should include your understanding of the main idea and supporting ideas.

                   Criteria for assessing a summary
1.    Expresses accurately the main idea and supporting ideas.
2.    Is written the student’s own words; occasional vocabulary from the original text is acceptable.
3.    Is logically organized.
4.    Displays facility in the use of language to clearly express ideas in the text.

    b.2.    Direction for responding to reading
In the article “Poisoning the Air We Breathe,” the author suggests that a global dependence of fossil fuels will eventually make air in large cities toxic. Write an essay in which you agree or disagree with the author’s thesis. Support your opinion with information from the article and from your own experience.

C.   Summary
In assessing student reading, it is attached with vocabulary and grammar as the contribution on it to find out students ability in another skills of English. Types of reading are perspective, selective, interactive and extensive. All are to appropriate with students’ needs and the teacher’s expectation on overcoming a certain material.

Please do the same example with your subject  reading texts


Brown, H. Douglas. (2004). Language Assessment: Principle and Classroom Practices. Longman, San Francisco State University.

Imao, Yasuhiro. (2001). Validating a new ESL placement test as SFSU. Unpublished master’s thesis, Department of English, San Francisco State University.

Philips, Deborah. (2001). Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL Test. White Plains, NY: Pearson education.